Monoid1989 我靠他省了至少小几千块钱了😢 During the pandemic one of the most notorious ebook pirate websites gained millions of new users. At its height, the site offered over 11 million books and 84 million articles. This has attracted a steady userbase and many millions of monthly visitors. Z-Library has come under fire for monetizing pirated ebooks, by charging a monthly subscription fee. TikTok blocked all hashtags pointed at the site a week ago and today, the Z-Library and all of their domains have been seized by the United States Postal Inspection Service. The pirate site is effectively dead right now, since all of their DNS servers have also been seized. It remains to be seen if they will go back online with new domains or if they will fade away into nothingness. One of the most compelling aspects of Z-library were its catalog of front and backlist titles. The vast majority were from major publishers and have been on or are still on various bestseller lists. They had a great interface, better than the competition. All books were downloaded directly from their site, instead of using BitTorrent. They were all DRM-Free, which you could load on any e-Reader or tablet. Their most popular format was EPUB and they also had Send to Kindle for various formats. Unlike websites that offer pirated content and rely on advertising to monetize their web-traffic, Z-Library charged a few dollars a month for a subscription fee, once you downloaded a certain number of books. They started out as a fork of library genesis, whose mission has always been strictly non-commercial and about providing free access to everyone without limits.
Wien 洋葱站点:http://zh.bookszlibb74ugqojhzhg2a63w5i2atv5bqarulgczawnbmsb6s6qead.onion/ (不明的tor钓鱼代理哈哈) 原生:zlibrary 24tuxziyiyfr7 zd46ytefdqbqd2axkmxm 4o5374ptpc52fad.onion 镜像站点: