贴吧名 | 贴子类型 | 内容 | 传送门 | 发贴人 | 发贴时间 |
模拟城市 | 主题贴 |
插件原名:Very Large Maps Mod 1.0.0 原作者:pcwhiz24 效果图: 插件说明: Tired of SimCity 4's puny little map sizes? Even the largest tiles are only 4x4 km, but this mod makes it possible for an even larger map size by adding a "Very Large" 8x8 km (512x512 tiles) map! 对SC4的默认地块大小感到厌倦?SC4中最大的单个城市也只有4x4 km大,但这个插件却可实现8x8(512x512格)大的特大地图 That's 4 Times bigger than the largest tile in the game and 8 times bigger than SimCity 2013's Maps! 8x8地图比SC4中最大的4x4地块大4倍;比SC(2013)的单个城市大八倍 SimCity 4 by default has 3 map sizes: 原版SC4只有3种地块尺寸: Small 1x1 km (64x64 tiles) 小 1x1km (64x64格) Medium 2x2 km (128x128 tiles) 小 2x2km (128x128格) Large 4x4 km (256x256 tiles) 大 4x4km (256x256格) This mod adds: 而这个插件添加了 Very Large 8x8 km (512x512 tiles) 岂止于大 8x8km (512x512格) That is 4X larger than the largest map! 这比原版最大的地图还大4倍 Files included in ZIP file: 附件中包含的文件: -"8x8_km.dat" - Includes the larger map size option and adds "yellow" as the option in "paint" when editing. -"8x8_km.dat" - 开启特大地图选项并允许大地图config图片中出现黄色区块 -"Compatibility_Module" - Allows for compatibility with SC4 Mapper and SC4 Terraformer. -"Compatibility_Module" - 实现对SC4 Mapper及SC4 Terraformer地图编辑器的兼容 -"Larger Maps.dll" - Required to allow the game to recognize the larger map sizes as tiles and allows them to load as well as allows cities to be built on them. Also makes it possible to save these larger maps. -"Larger Maps.dll" - 用于使SC4识别特大地图区块并正常加载/保存城市 Also includes two new songs that would make great background music to play while you build your metropolises on those nice larger maps! 同时附赠两首游戏BGM No dependencies, works with SC4 Rush Hour, with or without the patches. 无需任何支持文件,尖峰时刻版本(安装过其他补丁无影响)下可用 Please read the README first before installing! 安装前请务必阅读附件中README文件 How to Install: 如何安装此插件: 1. Open the "Larger Maps Mod.zip," then copy both the "8x8_km.dat" and "Compatibility_Module" into your plugins folder. You can also copy "Compatibility_Module" into the root directory of your SC4 Mapper and SC4 Terraformer installs for support of this mod. 1. 解压Larger Maps Mod.zip,并将其中8x8_km.dat和Compatibility_Module.dat文件复制到插件目录下。也可将Compatibility_Module.dat移至你的SC4 Mapper或SC4 Terraformer安装目录下以便使其兼容此插件 2. Copy the "Larger Map.dll" into your C:/Program Files/Maxis/SimCity 4/Apps folder (Program Files (x86) if you use a 64-Bit Windows) 2. 将Larger Map.dll文件复制到游戏安装目录\Apps下 Also, copy the two songs from the "New Soundtrack Music" folder into C:\Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 4 Deluxe\Radio\Stations\Mayor\Music. 另外也可将New Soundtrack Music文件夹内的两首游戏BGM复制到游戏安装目录\Radio\Stations\Mayor\Music下 3. Load up the game as normal. 3. 启动游戏,见证奇迹的时刻到了 How to Use This Mod and Get Larger Maps: 如何开启并使用特大地图 1. On Region View panel, go and create a new region and name it as you please. Note that you'll only see the usual three map sizes. The 8x8 km map does not appear by default as THAT would require modifying the .exe file. 1. 在区域视图界面创建一个新大地图,但注意创建地图后你并不会立即见到8x8特大地图 2. Exit game 2. 退出游戏 3. Go to your Documents/SimCity 4/Regions/"Name of your new Region" created in Step 4. 3. 打开库文档(我的文档)\SimCity 4\Regions\新大地图名称(第二步创建大地图时所填名称)文件夹 4. Right click on the config file and open with paint. 4. 右键config.bmp文件并使用画图(或其他图片编辑软件)打开 5. Zoom in. You will see 3 different colors that represent the three map sizes: 5. 放大放大再放大,你将会看到默认的3种地块颜色: Red (1x1 Pixels) Small 骚红 (1x1像素) 小地图 Green (2x2 Pixels) Medium 原谅绿 (2x2像素) 中地图 Blue (4x4 Pixels) Large xp蓝 (1x1像素) 小地图 *Yellow (8x8 Pixels in this mod) Very Large* **黄 (8x8像素) 特大地图 You can expand the region size by clicking right down menu and expanding it down right. 6. To create 8x8 km maps, go to edit colors on Paint and select yellow. Make sure on right pane it shows as: 6. 在取色板中选取黄色,注意颜色必须为纯黄色,RGB值如下: Red: 255 Green: 255 Blue: 0 7. Draw it out where you want with 8x8 pixels and fill it out. (Make sure the other map sizes are whole or they'll glitch). If you want multiple 8x8 km Maps, draw more 8x8 pixel squares. Mix in other colors above for mix of map sizes. Fill the region with yellow if you want all 8x8 km maps, just make sure you have room! (32x32 pixels can fit 4 8x8 km maps). Here's an example of the 8x8 km map properly drawn out: 7. 在图中画出你想要的特大地图地块位置并填满黄色(注意临近其他地块大小必须正确) 如果你想要更多的特大地图可以在其他位置填上黄色像素,并在剩余部分填满其他大小地块 如果需要整张大地图均为超大地图,可以全部涂满黄色区域,总之随心所欲地规划吧(32x32像素图片可填下4个超大地图) 8. Click save and exit paint. Start-Up the game. Might take several tries to get it to work but it'll work. 8. 保存图片并退出,启动游戏并等待数分钟加载大地图 9. Once the game starts, you should see your very large city tile on region view. If it's a Blank Space, just click on the space, since it'll load anyways and build away! (It'll show up on region view once you save and exit back out) 9. 启动游戏后你应该能看到大地图上的超大地图地块,如果其显示为空白区域,只需双击区域进入城市保存并退出后即可在大地图上显示 10. Enjoy your much larger space!!! 10. 尽情享受超大地图带来的空间吧 If you have any issues, please refer to the troubleshooting section in the README file. 如果你遇到任何问题,请先参考README文档中的疑难解答部分 This mod is fully compatible with Ploppable Cows and Nuclear Starbucks! 此插件与可扑通奶牛和核能星巴克插件完全兼容 Major Bugs/Limitations: 主要特征及限制: - Roads cannot be built past 4x4 km west or southward. UPDATE: Just fixed the issue and updated mod. It's possible now, but will cause clipping. - 道路可能无法在4x4km外的西北区域建设,目前已修复此问题,但修建道路时仍然可能导致地形变得鬼畜 - Game will crash after a certain prop limit, and there may be prop pox on larger cities - 城市内prop数量过多时游戏会跳出,并可能使存档感染proppox - Saving takes a very long time (about 5-10 minutes on my PC) - 存档需要花费更长时间 BACKUP YOUR GAME BEFORE INSTALLING THIS MOD! 使用此插件前请务必备份你的游戏! Minor Issues/Bugs: 其他问题或特征: - God Mode mountains and valleys may clip with ground and trees after 4x4 km - 上帝模式地形工具可能会在4x4km外区域毁坏地形 - Very Large cities get very laggy - 特大地图可能会使游戏十分卡顿 - Water may not be wet enough after 4x4 km - 4x4km外区域内水体可能会变成枯河/湖/海 - The furthest zoom out isn't far enough due to very large map size - 即便是最大缩放比例也无法完全显示整个特大地图 - 16x16 km was originally planned as well but would crash the game and cause an infinite loop that corrupted every hard drive in my computer and their backups (Thank goodness I backed everything up online). - 原先计划开发的是16x16km超大地图,但使用此大小地图会使游戏崩溃并使你的每块硬盘损坏 - 8x8 km maps decrease the chances of that happening - 缩小后的8x8km地图可能降低此类问题发生概率 - May cause little sims to colonize your living room and build tiny metropolises. This is due to the side effect of the mods - 此插件可能导致部分模拟市民在你家中建设城市 - Music may cause minor frustration - 长时间循环游戏BGM可能使你感到沮丧 - Not compatible with my 3D Camera mod - 与3D视角插件(http://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/30381-3d-camera-mod-for-simcity-4/)不兼容 - U drive it works but if you pass 4km, your PC may crash - 在4km范围外自驾可能导致你的电脑崩溃 - Minor clipping outside 4x4 km - 4km区域外地形可能成叠状 - Staring at the loading screens may crash the game - 加载过程中盯着屏幕可能导致游戏跳出 - Showing emotion may crash game - 对电脑露出表情可能导致游戏跳出 - Mod is fully compatible with NAM, CAM, SPAM, SAM, SLAM, RAM, JAM, FLAM, DAM, CLAM EXAM, INSTAGRAMA-RAM and SCAM - 此插件与交通附加插件 发展附加插件 辣鸡邮件插件 街道附加插件 SLAM算法插件 铁路附加插件 交通堵塞插件 佛洛姆铁路插件 水坝插件 镆蛤插件 照片墙插件 SC4是你的谎言插件完全兼容 - Taking screenshots might crash the game. - 截图可能导致游戏跳出 - Taking screenshots with print-screen crashes the game and your PC - 使用PrtSc键截图可能导致你的电脑崩溃 - Taking screenshots with your iPhone crashes the camera, game, PC and may break a tripper and cause power outages. Samsung camera works though. - 使用你的iPhone摄屏可能会损坏摄像头和你的电脑,并可能导致你家跳闸。使用note7摄屏同样如此。 - Disasters work with no issues (in real life of course) - 所有灾难均完全可用(在现实中) - Using "Obliterate City" will obliterate your city, region, and your entire game. (due to corruption) - 如果选择删除特大地图将会删除你的地图 大地图存档和整个游戏 - Game will crash if loading city while sustaining a frown in real life - 加载地图时对游戏表达不满会导致游戏跳出 - Music may cause minor frustration - 重说三 长时间循环游戏BGM可能使你感到沮丧 - May change your whole game forever - 此插件可能会永久改变你的游戏并无法恢复 - May cause depression - 此插件可能会让你感到失望 - The yellow pixels can also be drawn as 16x16 pixels for a 16x16 km map. DO NOT DO THIS. Stick with 8x8 km. - 黄色区块也可绘制成16x16像素大,但请使用8x8地图以免电脑崩溃。 - If you do load the game with a 16x16 km map, your PC may explode. Proceed at your own risk. - 如果强行加载16x16超大地图可能导致你的电脑原地爆炸,插件作者概不负责 Aside from those minor bugs, it's still a great mod considering it's a game from 2003! 原文来源: https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5284259871 http://community.simtropolis.com/files/file/31548-very-large-maps-mo |
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-08-23 22:09 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 悠然夏芝 | 2017-10-23 00:10 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | stevenleefree | 2017-09-05 11:09 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 52MBX | 2017-09-05 09:25 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 丰臣1598 | 2017-08-30 23:11 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 丰臣1598 | 2017-08-30 23:03 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 攜帶 | 2017-08-28 14:26 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 阿六六三 | 2017-08-27 18:40 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 东京不太饿 | 2017-08-27 11:23 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | _jikki_ | 2017-08-26 19:18 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
4x4km范围外rci无法通勤,越过4x4km边界时会生成一条小水沟 16x16km |
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-08-26 18:01 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | creform | 2017-08-24 23:36 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | _jikki_ | 2017-08-24 21:52 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 韬气888 | 2017-08-24 20:13 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
+++可怕 原先计划开发的是16x16km超大地图,但使用此大小地图会使游戏崩溃并使你的每块硬盘损坏 - 缩小后的8x8km地图可能降低此类问题发生概率 ++++会损坏硬盘,可怕中的可怕 如果强行加载16x16超大地图可能导致你的电脑原地爆炸,插件作者概不负责 ++++++++会爆炸,可怕中的超级可怕 |
传送门 | creform | 2017-08-24 19:16 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 秦迷在冷极 | 2017-08-24 18:47 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 秦迷在冷极 | 2017-08-24 18:47 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 秦迷在冷极 | 2017-08-24 18:47 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 印度人民领袖 | 2017-08-24 18:06 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
这到底是能用的还是玩笑…… |
传送门 | Cirnoy | 2017-08-24 13:18 |
模拟城市 | 回复贴 |
传送门 | 从前有座山256 | 2017-08-24 11:29 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
回复 悠然夏芝 :至于你信不信
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-10-23 21:20 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
传送门 | 悠然夏芝 | 2017-10-23 20:31 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-10-23 18:20 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-09-05 16:37 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-09-05 16:37 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
回复 丰臣1598 :。。。。
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-09-01 15:30 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
回复 神奇? :内容太多,无法辨识,请直接复制粘贴回复我,谢谢!
传送门 | 丰臣1598 | 2017-09-01 12:04 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
回复 丰臣1598 :最后一段吧
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-09-01 01:32 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
回复 神奇? :什么话?
传送门 | 丰臣1598 | 2017-08-31 20:56 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-08-31 01:35 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-08-28 18:54 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
回复 韬气888 :sc(2013)的3倍边界mod又有多少实用性呢?
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-08-28 02:11 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-08-28 02:09 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
传送门 | 韬气888 | 2017-08-27 20:30 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
回复 creform :不错的
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-08-27 16:25 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-08-27 15:42 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
传送门 | creform | 2017-08-27 08:28 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
回复 creform :是什么词
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-08-27 00:13 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
回复 神奇? :屏蔽了
传送门 | creform | 2017-08-26 21:09 |
模拟城市 | 楼中楼 |
所回复主题贴:【SC4插件】岂止于大 8x8km特大地图外部DLL插件
回复 creform :?
传送门 | n0099 | 2017-08-26 20:36 |